HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software V3.4 CLI reference (T3648-96013, October 2006)

2.9 NAME 74
Format the FSE medium with barcode work_34; disable monitoring:
fsemedium –f work_34 –no–monitor
Format the FSE medium with barcode work_35 in FORCED mode and ini-
tialize all FSE medium volumes on it:
fsemedium – –format work_35 –F – –init
Initialize all medium volumes on FSE medium with barcode work_offline_-
45 in FORCED mode:
fsemedium –i work_offline_45 –force
Initialize volume number 1 on the FSE medium with barcode tape_4a; dis-
able monitoring:
fsemedium – –init tape_4a –volume 1 –no–monitor
Disallow further writing to the FSE medium with barcode old_tape_23:
fsemedium – –mark–unreliable old_tape_23
Pull the FSE medium with barcode dailyFiles_A out of the operation; skip
fsemedium – –mark–unusable dailyFiles_A –force
Make the FSE medium with barcode dailyFiles_B fully available for writing
and reading:
fsemedium – –mark–good dailyFiles_B
Mark erroneous volume number 3 on the FSE medium with barcode ait_60
as FULL and populate the volume and the medium’s system volume with
Fast Recovery Information:
fsemedium – –close–volume ait_60 3
Recreate Fast Recovery Information for data volumes 1, 2 and 4 on FSE
medium with barcode weeklyFiles01; disable monitoring:
fsemedium – –recreate–fri weeklyFiles01 –V 1 2 4 –no–monitor
Duplicate source medium with barcode tape_44 to target medium with bar-
code copytape_44; disable monitoring:
fsemedium – –duplicate tape_44 copytape_44 –no–monitor
HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software CLI reference