HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.5 Command-line User Interface Reference Guide (T1789-96338, February 2013)

Can be used in place of auth.
NOTE: The password file must be created using the encrypt command only.
–pf <password_file>
Displays the usage message; no parsing or sending is performed.–?
Only one input source is accepted in one invocation.
Output rows to the file or screen have fields separated by commas.
Either -auth or -pf is accepted, but not both. The password file must be created using only
the encrypt command.
There is no output to the file or to the screen unless requested.
The commands are not case-sensitive.
The order of command options does not matter.
If command options are not provided, the streamed-in input is checked.
For validity with no output presented or sent to the management station.
raidgrp -dkc <serial #> -rg <raid group> [-auth <user:passwd>] [-ms
<URL>][-L] [-d<char>] [-hr] [-?] [-pf <password file>]
Supported disk array types
XP and P9000 disk arrays
Displays information about RAID Groups of the array such as the RAID level, ACP pair, control
unit, and disk mechanics information.
Required. Specify the array serial number.–dkc <serial #>
Required. Specify the RAID Group for which you want output displayed.–rg <raid group>
Specify the address of a management station in the format <http://
path.to.managementstation:<port>> or <https://
–ms <URL>
Specify a user name and password pair in the format user name:password.–auth
Can be used in place of auth.
NOTE: The password file must be created using the encrypt command only.
–pf <password file>
Specify the delimiter for the delimited output.–d <char>
Displays data in a readable format.–hr
Prints the usage statement.–?
raidgrp -dkc 30143 -rg 1-1 hr
raidgrp -dkc 10055 -rg 1-1 L
raidgrp -dkc 127 -rg 1-1
raidgrp -dkc 10055 -rg 1-5 1-6
30 CLUI commands