HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor Software v5.5 Command-line User Interface Reference Guide (T1789-96338, February 2013)

Required. Specify the csv list of items to be added to the user group.
Each item is in the form dkc+host::ldevlist, where: dkc+host is a DKC and host
–items <item list>
ldevlist consists of LDEVs separated by a plus (+) character or LDEV ranges
(2 LDEVs separated by a hyphen [-]).
The items cannot be used with -list, -details, or rem.
Required. Lists all the groups. Cannot be used with -name, -details, or -items.–list
Required. Shows the details for one group. Either name or gid is required.–details
Required. Removes a particular user-defined group. Either name or gid is required.–rem <group name>
Specify the name of the group to define or list details.–name <group name>
Specify the ID number for this group.–gid <group id>
Specify the address of a management station in the format <http://
path.to.managementstation:<port>> or <https://
–ms <URL>
Specify a user name and password pair in the format user name:password.–auth <user:passwd>
Can be used in place of auth.
NOTE: The password file must be created using the encrypt command only.
Specify the delimiter for delimited display.–d <char>
Displays column headers with the delimiter.–L
Displays data in a readable format.–hr
Prints the usage statement.–?
usergrp -items 10033::CLPR1-CLPR2 name custom1
usergrp -details -hr -gid 1
usergrp -details -L -gid 1
usergrp -details -gid 1
NOTE: If an array is connected to a host agent that is running on the HP-UX 11i v3 operating
system, the DSF is displayed in a new format. A legacy DSF is displayed in parenthesis next to the
new format.
For an XP24000 array with P9000 Thin Provisioning and P9000 Snapshot under RAID Group,
the following output is displayed:
For P9000 Thin Provisioning:
THP-PID<pool ID>
For P9000 Snapshot:
SNAP-PID<pool ID>.
dbconfig [-auth <user:passwd>] [-ms <URL>] [-L] [-d<char>] [-hr] [-?]
purge | -list | -loglvl <severity> [-days <days>] [-dkc <serial number>]
[-et <mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss>]
Supported disk array types
32 CLUI commands