P9000Watch and P9000Sketch Reference guide for HP StorageWorks P9000 Performance Advisor v5.3 (T1789-96325, August 2011)

This scheme offers the following options:
Filter LDEVs by RAID Groups
If you select this option, the RAID Groups menu appears. Select one or more RAID groups to
view the LDEV menu. The LDEV menu lists all the LDEVs within the selected RAID groups. Select
the required LDEV to collect and view the performance data.
Filter RAID Groups by LDEVs
If you select this option, the LDEV menu appears. Select one or more LDEVs to view the RAID
Group menu. The RAID Group menu lists all the RAID groups within the selected LDEVs. Select
the required RAID groups to collect and view performance data.
Manually Add RAID Groups and LDEVs Without Filtering
If you select this option, all the available LDEVs and RAID groups are displayed. Select the
desired RAID groups and LDEVs to collect and view their performance data.
Skip and Start Collecting
If you select this option, P9000Watch skips the LDEV and RAID group menus, and displays
the port performance data and CPU performance data of all the ports connected to the selected
5. The output appears on the screen, which can be saved in .csv format for each component.
Introduction to P9000Watch12