HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager CLI Reference (T3680-96071, June 2012)

Created Clui Client key at :
C:\Documents and Settings\user/.cluiclient/clui client.ckf
Created Clui Client encrypted properties at :
C:\Documents and Settings\user/.cluiclient/clui client.cpf
Key Generation Ending Successfully
Session types
You can use the remote client to run interactive, single-command, and file-driven CLUI sessions:
Interactive—Initiates a session that remains open until you close it. You can issue one command
at a time.
Single-command—Initiates a session, executes a single command, and closes the session. This
session type can be executed from the command line or executed as a batch file or script.
File-driven—Initiates a session, executes all commands in the file you reference, and closes
the session. This session type can be executed from the command line or executed as a batch
file or script.
NOTE: The examples in this section assume the following:
The remote client files have been installed and configured on a remote computer that is running
The network name of the management server is server16.
The interface is using the default secure port 9001.
The replication manager has an account with user name admin and password nimda.
Interactive session
To form a command for an interactive session, do not include a CLUI command or the file-driven
switch (-f).
Interactive session guidelines include:
Do not include a file-driven switch (-f).
Use a generated security key (no entry) or enter explicit credentials.
Accept default response mode (no entry) or enter a choice.
Log on using security key; default response modeCLUI: clui
Java: java jar cluiclient.jar
Log on using explicit credentials; default response
CLUI: clui u admin p nimda h
Java: java jar cluiclient.jar u admin p nimda
h localhost
Log on using security key; set response mode to
CLUI: clui x
Single-command session
To form a command for a single-command session, include one CLUI command.
Using the remote client 13