HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager CLI Reference (T3680-96071, June 2012)

Single-command session guidelines include:
Include one CLUI command.
Do not include the file-driven switch (-f).
Use a generated security key (no entry) or enter explicit credentials.
Accept default response mode (no entry) or enter a choice.
Log on using security key; issue a CLUI
command; default response mode.
CLUI: clui show system list
Log on using explicit credentials; issue a
CLUI command; default response mode.
CLUI: clui u admin p nimda h server16:9001 show
system list
Log on using security key; issue a CLUI
command; set response mode to XML. In the
CLUI: clui show system list x
Java: java jar cluiclient.jar x show managed_set\my
managed set\
Java command, embedded quotes are
escaped with slashes (\).
File-driven session
To form a command for a file-driven session, include one file-driven switch (-f).
File-driven session guidelines include:
Include the file-driven switch (-f).
Do not include a CLUI command.
Use a generated security key (no entry) or enter explicit credentials.
Accept default response mode (no entry) or enter a choice.
Log on using security key;
CLUI: clui f report_rsm.txt
specify a file of commands;
Java: java jar cluiclient.jar f /scripts/cluiscript.file
default response mode
Log on using explicit credentials;
specify a file of commands;
CLUI: clui u admin p nimda h server16:9001 f
default response mode
Log on using security key;
CLUI: clui f report_rsm.txt x
specify a file of commands;
set response mode to XML
Redirecting remote client output
The remote client directs the output of successful CLUI commands to standard output and echoes
the output in the command window. All unsuccessful output is directed to standard error.
To redirect remote client output to a local file, use the syntax in the following examples. The remote
client creates the file if it does not exist.
To direct successful output to a file called out.log and failure output to a file called err.log,
use the following syntax:
./clui.sh "some command" 1>out.log 2>err.log
To direct all output (success and failure) to out.log, use the following syntax:
./clui.sh "some command" 1>out.log 2>&1
14 Accessing the CLUI