HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Job Command Reference (T3680-96090, October 2012)

RemoveDiskDevice ( “\\ArrayA2\Cats, "HostA2", HOST_FC_PORT)
Associated validation commands. ValidateHost, ValidateStorageVolume.
Agent and license prerequisites. Requires a host agent.
Command result value. None. For a complete list, see Command result values.
OS specifics. None.
This command is typically used with raw disk devices. Raw disk devices are not mounted, thus
they cannot be removed by using the UnmountHostVolume command.
Compare to the RemoveDiskDevice command to the UnpresentStorageVolume command,
which does not inform a host when a storage volume is unpresented.
See Resource names and UNC formats.
Restarts the local replication from a source virtual disk to its fractured mirrorclone. The fractured
mirrorclone becomes a synchronized mirrorclone again.
Syntax and arguments
When initially inserted into a job, the command syntax and default arguments are:
ResyncMirrorclone ( %mirrorclone_unc_name% )
Mirrorclone UNC Storage Volume Name (%mirrorclone_unc_name%). Select or enter the UNC
name of the fractured mirrorclone to be resynchronized with its source storage volume.
ResyncMirrorclone ( "\\Array2\Cats_copy" )
Associated validation commands. ValidateStorageVolume.
Agent and license prerequisites. Requires a local replication license for the storage system on
which the storage volume is located.
Command result value. None. For a complete list, see Command result values.
OS specifics. None.
See Resource names and UNC formats.
Restarts the local replication from source virtual disks to their fractured mirrorclones. The fractured
mirrorclones become synchronized mirrorclones again.
Syntax and arguments
When initially inserted into a job, the command syntax and default arguments are:
ResyncMirrorclones ( %storvol_unc_names% )
148 Job Commands