HP P6000 Replication Solutions Manager Job Command Reference (T3680-96090, October 2012)

PrepareContainerForHostDiskDeviceReplication ( %hostvol_unc_name%, %managed_set_of_containers%,
%copytype% ) onerror continue
DO {21
$Rep1 = SnapshotHostVolumeToContainersInManagedSet ($source_hostvol_unc1, %dest_container_set1%,
FULLY_ALLOCATED, NOWAIT) onerror pauseat E1:
} ALWAYS {24
// Restore the writeback cache on the host volume(s).25
SetHostVolumeWriteCacheMode ($source_hostvol_unc1, WRITE_CACHE_ENABLED, NOWAIT) onerror continue26
// Wait for replicated storage to appear.30
WaitForStorageVolumesDiscovery ($Rep1) onerror pauseat E2:31
// Mount the replicated volume(s) on a host.33
PresentStorageVolumes ($Rep1, $mount_host) onerror pauseat E2:34
DiscoverDiskDevices ($mount_host, $Rep1) onerror continue35
$HV1 = CreateHostVolumeFromDiskDevices ($source_hostvol_unc1, $Rep1, $mount_host) onerror pauseat E2:36
$MP1 = MountHostVolume ($HV1, %mount_point1%) onerror pauseat E3:37
// Wait for user to initiate rollback.39
Pause ()40
// Rollback.42
E4: UnmountHostVolume ($MP1) onerror pauseat E4:43
E3: DeleteHostVolume ($HV1) onerror pauseat E3:44
E2: DeleteStorageVolumesInManagedSet (%dest_container_set1%) onerror pauseat E2:46
Exit (SUCCESS)48
// Failure exit - no rollback needed.50
E1: Exit (FAILURE)51
Job templates 79