HP IAP Version 2.1 User Guide, March 2011

Letters and digits in files
Although all letters and digits are word characters, their treatment in files (including email message
attachments) depends on the character encoding used. You can search for any words in email message
bodies and headers, regardless of the encoding.
You can search for words in files (including email body, header, attachments, and indexed documents)
provided the character encoding is shown in the following table.
The IAP does not perform automatic character set detection. If the character set is not provided in the
email or file, the IAP uses a default of ISO-8859-1 (Latin1).
Table 10 Supported character sets
Supported character
Western European, extended ASCIIISO-LATIN-1
Western European, extended ASCIIISO-8859-1
Western European, extended ASCIIISO-8859-15
(Code pages supported by Windows) Latin 1WINDOWS-1252
7-bit American Standard Code for Information InterchangeUS-ASCII
Universal (all languages)UTF-7
Universal (all languages)UTF-8
Eastern EuropeanISO-8859-2
Cyrillic (Russian and Bulgarian)KOI8-R
(Code pages supported by Windows) CyrillicWINDOWS-1251
(Code pages supported by Windows) GreekWINDOWS-1253
(Code pages supported by Windows) TurkishWINDOWS-1254
(Code pages supported by Windows) HebrewWINDOWS-1255
(Code pages supported by Windows) ArabicWINDOWS-1256
(Code pages supported by Windows) Baltic: Estonian, Latvian, LithuanianWINDOWS-1257
(Code pages supported by Windows) VietnameseWINDOWS-1258
Chinese (Mainland)GB18030
Chinese (Mainland)GB2312
Chinese (Mainland)GBK
Chinese (Taiwan)EUC-TW
Chinese (Taiwan)BIG5
HP IAP 2.1 User Guide 53