HP StorageWorks Reference Information Storage System V1.4 Administrator Guide (T3559-96027, March 2006)

i. Open a command prompt, change to the directory c:\tsm ba ckup, and run:
This restores the database from the tape and starts the server in a new window. It also registers
the licenses and ma rks as destroyed” the volumes that remain in the server.
j. Run the command:
INTERNAL>audit library LIB.OPTICAL command
to ensure that the TSM database is consistent with the library volumes.
k. Check in and label two em pty volumes. They will be used to restore the storage p ools. Se e
“How to add and label new media (command line).
l. To restore the storage pool, run the command:
m. Return the volumes that were used to restore the database and storage po ol by issuing the
tsm: INTERNAL>update volhist OPTICAL.3 devcl=DC.OPTICAL
This will set the correct state for the volume that contains the database backup.
tsm: INTERNAL>move drmedia * wherestate=mountable
This will set the state of the backup volumes to n onmountable and eject them. They can now be
returned to the offsite vault.
o. Use the backup db, stgpool,andprepare commands to start another cycle of backups.
Reference Information Storage System