HP XP P9000 Remote Web Console User Guide

you delete pairs or pools. In these cases, you can refresh the license status by using the
Available button.
Expired: The term has already expired for the temporary key. When the status is Expired,
you cannot re-install the temporary key.
Status and icons
Key typeIconLicense Key status
Not InstalledNot Installed
(Not Installed)
Not installed.
Installed with the Permanent key.
or X TB
(Note 1)
Installed(Note 2)UnlimitedTerm
Installed with the Term key and set
to enable.
or X TB
(Note 1)
or X TB
(Not Installed)
Installed with the Term key and set
to disable.
(Note 1)
Installed(Note 2)Temporary
Installed with the Temporary key.
Installed(Note 2)Emergency
Installed with the Emergency key.
Installed(Note 2)X TB+Z TBMeter
Installed with the Meter key.
Expired(Note 2)Temporary
(Not Installed)
A Temporary key was installed,
but has expired.
Not InstalledNot Installed
(Not Installed)
A Term key or an Emergency key
was installed, but has expired.
Not Enough
(Note 1)
Permanent or
(Not Installed)
Installed with the Permanent key
or the Term key, but the licensed
capacity was insufficient.
Grace Period(Note 2)X TBPermanent or
The capacity insufficiency caused
by adding LDEVs.
(Note 1)
Grace Period(Note 2)X TB-Z TBMeter
The capacity insufficiency caused
by consuming the meter licensed
Installed(Note 2)X TBTemporary
Installed with the Temporary key,
and then reinstalled with the
(Note 1)
Permanent key, but the license
capacity was insufficient.
Installed(Note 2)UnlimitedEmergency
Installed with the Permanent key,
then reinstalled with the
Emergency key.
or X TB
(Note 1)
"–" indicates that nothing appears.
Note 1: X TB indicates a license capacity. (Y TB) might appears beside Unlimited or X TB, indicating the minimum
license capacity. For the meter key, X TB indicates the Permanent licensed capacity, and Z TB indicates the meter
licensed capacity.
208 Remote Web Console GUI reference (secondary windows)