HP Version Control Repository Manager

3. Start preconfiguring the SMH component.
4. When you select the certificate file using Browse, an Internet Explorer warning appears regarding
ActiveX Controls. Click Yes to load the certificate file.
ProLiant Support Pack problems
The ProLiant Support Pack installation terminates due to low disk space.
After setting the repository directory with the encryption attribute and restarting the VCRM service, none of
the ProLiant Support Packs are displayed in the VCRM Catalog page. In addition, the Log page indicates
that a component has been deleted from the repository. Why aren't the ProLiant Support Packs displaying?
This problem is usually caused by a change in security permissions or encryption of the repository
directory. Always check that the repository directory permissions are set so that the VCRM Windows Service
has full access to the repository directory. Additionally, the VCRM does not support the encryption attribute.
If you encrypt the repository directory, the ProLiant Support Packs are not deleted, but they will not display
on the VCRM Catalog page.
HP recommends the following actions:
1. Stop the VCRM service.
2. Double-click My Computer. Windows Explorer appears.
3. Right-click the repository directory and select Properties.
4. Click the General tab.
5. Click Advanced.
6. Deselect Encrypt contents to secure data.
7. Click OK.
8. Click OK again. Your settings are saved.
9. Start the VCRM service. The ProLiant Support Packs are displayed on the Catalog page.
Can I use the software or firmware criteria in HP SIM to tell which version of a Support Pack is installed?
Generally, ProLiant Support Packs cannot be used for comparison when developing a software
update search. However, if you must compare ProLiant Support Packs, use the following guidelines when
selecting ProLiant Support Packs to compare:
The only comparison you can use with a ProLiant Support Pack is Equal To.
HP SIM cannot determine whether a ProLiant Support Pack was installed on a system, only whether all
of the components in a ProLiant Support Pack are installed on a system. A targeted system is returned
by a search that compares ProLiant Support Packs only if every component in the ProLiant Support Pack
is present on the targeted system.
It is unlikely that all of the components in a ProLiant Support Pack will be installed on any system. This causes
most searches that include Support Pack software criteria to return no systems.
After downloading the 6.40 ProLiant Support Pack into my existing VCRM 1.0 directory, the catalog does
not display the ProLiant and Integrity Support Pack Why doesn't this ProLiant Support Pack display?
The 6.40 ProLiant Support Pack does not work with VCRM 1.0. HP recommends that you install
VCRM 2.0 or later.
Note: The installation of the VCRM 2.0 does not require a reboot.
I have the VCRM Auto Update feature configured to automatically download ProLiant and Integrity Support
Packs and the VCRM states the updates have completed successfully. However, no files have been downloaded.
A log entry appears in the VCRM Log indicating
Automatic update downloaded 0 files. No VCAs
have provided operating systems information to use as a download selection criteria
HP recommends the following actions:
If the VCA is not installed on any system within the network, you must install the VCA on a system and
configure the VCA to use the VCRM.
If the VCA is installed on a system within the network, you must configure the VCA to use the VCRM.
42 Troubleshooting