Deploying HP SIM 7.0 on MSCS clusters on MS Windows 2008 with SQL Server 2008

Problem: Error during MSA tool execution.
Solution: Execution of MSA tools might fail due to SSH key mismatch. For proper execution
of MSA tools, perform the following:
1. Make the primary system active and execute mxagentconfig to push the SSH
key to primary system itself.
2. Make secondary system active and execute mxagentconfig to push the SSH key
to secondary system itself.
Problem: Unable to Single Sign-On to client.
Solution: Client should have the certificate/name of both cluster systems in it.
1. If the Trust mode is Trust By Certificate on the client, open the Web agent
certificate, the cert.pem file, from both the systems and import them into client
Web agent.
2. If the Trust mode is Trust By Name on the client, include both the system names in
trusted server name list.
Problem: Unable to get the second system certificate when browsing to SMH.
Solution: Import the second system certificate on to the first system.