HP Systems Insight Manager 7.1 Release Notes

Software or Firmware upgrades through HP-UX and HP SIM require the HP VCA be present on the
target. While SW/FW upgrades from a Linux or Windows CMS can perform target-based FW
upgrades to OA and VC, these upgrades are not possible through an HP-UX CMS.
If SW/FW upgrades are failing immediately with no error code, then be sure there are no instances
of the HP SUM process already running on the CMS. Only one instance at a time can be running.
Kill off the HP SUM process and retry the operation. This includes the following tasks:
Install Software/Firmware
Configure or Repair Agents
Manage System Software Wizard
Manage SW/FW Baselines
Track SW/FW Versions
HP Version Control Agent
When installing HP VCA through HP SIM, ignore the following error message: error while
loading shared libraries: libncurses.so.5: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory Starting HP Version Control Agent: OK.
Often, while installing an SPP to a Linux system, the install attempts to install components that are
not applicable to the system. These components will fail without harm, but will be logged.
WBEM indications
3PAR firmware does not support full WBEM indications. Therefore, the indication description and
event severity in HP SIM does not match the 3PAR events logs. HP recommends you use SNMP
HP Version Control Agent 9