HP Systems Insight Manager 7.3 User Guide

Data Collection..
Solution: Go to http://communities.vmware.com/message/914939#914939. Note that the fix
above references /var/pegasus/vmware/install_queue/1 in the install queue. However,
the number might vary by installation.
I am unable to identify Windows XP targets through WBEM if Simple File Sharing is enabled.
Solution: Uncheck Simple File Sharing by navigating to ToolsFolder OptionsView or set the
security policy Network access: Sharing and security model for local accounts to Classic: Local users
authenticate as themselves.
To install HP SIM, Framework 3.5 SP1 must be installed on all supported Windows systems. When
installing HP SIM 7.3 on a Windows 2012 system, the correct version of Framework is installed.
However, you cannot install Framework through the Add Roles and Features option available on
the server manager.
To workaround this issue, complete the following:
1. Place the operating system image in the CD/DVD drive.
2. From the command prompt, run xcopy e:\sources\sxs\*.* c:\dotnet35 /s,
specifying the path where the .net package is to be placed.
3. Go to Server Manager and click Add Roles and Features. The Feature Selection page appears.
4. Select .Net Framework 3.5 Features, and click Next. The Confirm Installation page appears.
5. Click Specify an alternate source path. Specify the path where Dotnet Framework is placed
(same path as in Step 2).
6. Click Install and observe that Dotnet Framework is installed successfully.
HP-UX install/execution of partner plug-ins (for example, HP Insight Dynamics - VSE for Integrity)
might fail due to failed communication with HP SIM. Reviewing the install logs, daemon service
logs and command line command output of partner commands may show long execution time with
failed results describing a failure to connect to HP SIM or the message
java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host (errno:242). Local partner
communication to HP SIM occurs using the ‘localhost’ hostname. This should be set to the loopback
IP address (usually This is normally defined in the /etc/hosts file on the CMS.
However, by default HP-UX systems will resolve hostnames through DNS before looking at this file.
If nslookup localhost does NOT resolve to the loopback IP address, then you must change
the lookup configuration. HP-UX or Linux systems use /etc/nsswitch.conf to resolve hostnames,
and having dns resolve before files (/etc/hosts) will give the wrong IP Address for localhost.
The default for HP-UX is set as:
hosts: dns [NOTFOUND=return] nis [NOTFOUND=return] files
To resolve this issue, change the configuration to:
hosts: files dns [NOTFOUND=return] nis NOTFOUND=return] files
Also, be sure the /etc/hosts file contains the loopback entry: localhost
When HP SIM 6.1 is installed on HP-UX, you should consider monitoring the pgsql logs under
/var/opt/hpsmdb/pgsql and clear them if they become too large.
HP SIM requires the DBA Role privilege for the user during HP SIM installation or upgrade only.
However you can select to revoke the DBA Role privilege from the user after installation or upgrade
is complete.
194 Troubleshooting