Automation of two HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 servers to provide Failover Event Handling 532451-001, January 2009

In very large environments, one HP
Systems Insight Manager (HP SIM) may not provide all the
coverage needed for all the devices in disaster recovery (DR). It might be desirable to have two HP
SIM servers covering for each other. In this scenario, we will create a set of Event Handlers which
allow two HP SIM (Central Management Server or CMS) servers to specifically watch each other and
take over coverage for the other’s Event Notification in the event of failure of one CMS.
The document describes how to create an Event Handler using the CMS
Command Line tool mxtask,
one of many CLI tools that come with HP Systems Insight Manager and are documented in the
Information Library at:
The goal is to have two HP SIM servers that manage Event Notification for local devices, say, City A
and City B. In normal operation, CMS A manages only City A servers and CMS B manages only City
B ser
vers. In some situation, the HP SIM server in City A fails, it is desirable to have City B
automatically detect this and run a task that would enable it to handle alerts on City A server in
addition to its own population. The basic configuration is that ea
ch CMS has a full population of all
devices being monitored, both from City A and B. This document describes a method to achieve that
The steps are:
Create two Event Collections using the customize lists option, one for City A events, the other f
City B events.
Create an Event Handlers on Server A and B that watch each other and run a custom task that
enables a new Event Handler for the other cities devices when the CMS in question dies.
Create an Event Handlers on Server A and B that watch each
other and run a custom task that
removes the event handler for the other cities devices when the CMS comes back online.
CMS A processes events on servers in A’s territory, CMS B processes events from servers in B’s
territory. A Watch Dog Event Handlers a
t each CMS watches for the other CMS to become
reachable or unreachable and creates or deletes event handler tasks.