HP Systems Insight Manager 7.1 Database Tables

DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Number of current defined logical volume in the
volume group
Number of current activel logical volume in the
volume group
Total number of physical volume group in this volume
HPVM_Guest table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTHPVM_Guest_LUID
Partly identifies HPVM_GuestBIGINTNodeID
Partly identifies HPVM_GuestBIGINTSnapshotID
Displays the name of the hostNVARCHAR(256)Name
Displays the Guest IDSMALLINTGuestID
The UUID of the VM HostNVARCHAR(255)HostUUID
Displays the expected OS typeSMALLINTExpectedOperatingSystemType
Displays the number of virtual processorsSMALLINTProcessorCount
Displays a user-defined name for this guestNVARCHAR(256)ElementName
The amount of memory assigned to this guest in units
defined by MemorySizeUnits. The value cannot
exceed the amount of memory installed on the host
The units used for the MemorySize property.SMALLINTMemorySizeUnits
Used by Reporting to display the memory sizeNVARCHAR (255)r_MemorySize
The amount of physical processor resources to which
each virtual processor in this guest is entitled in units
defined by ProcessorEntitlementUnits
The effective speed of the physical processors used
by this guest in MegaHertz. The following
relationship is always true: ProcessorSpeed *
ProcessorEntitlement (in percent) / 100 =
ProcessorEntitlement (in MegaHertz).
The units for the ProcessorEntitlement property. If
Percent, then the entitlement is the percentage of a
single physical processor that each virtual processor
in this guest. If Cycles , then the value is the number
of host processor cycles per second allocated to each
virtual processor in this guest.
Displays the SubUnitsSMALLINTProcessorEntitlementSubUnits
Used by Reporting to display CPU EntitlementNVARCHAR(255)r_CPUEntitlement
Displays the IP address of the VM hostNVARCHAR(256)VMHostIPAddress
Database tables 99