HP Systems Insight Manager 7.1 Database Tables

DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
should be assumed that no filemarks or blank space
areas are recorded on the Media.)
Inherited from CIM_PhysicalComponent.Removable
(A PhysicalComponent is Removable if it is designed
to be taken in and out of the physical container in
which it is normally found, without impairing the
function of the overall packaging. A component can
still be Removable if power must be off to perform
the removal. If power can be on and the component
removed, then the element is both Removable and
HotSwappable. For example, an upgradeable
processor chip is removable.)
Captures additional data, beyond that of Tag
information, that could be used to identify a Physical
Element (One example is bar code data associated
with an Element that also has an asset tag. Note that
if only bar code data is available and is unique or
able to be used as an Element key, this property
would be null and the bar code data used as the
class key in the Tag property.)
Inherited from CIM_ManagedElement.Description;
a textual description of an object
The label by which this object is knownNVARCHAR(256)Name
Inherited from
CIM_PhysicalComponent.HotSwappable; (Is
HotSwappable if it is possible to replace the Element
with a physically different but equivalent one while
the containing package has power applied to it (for
example, is on))
The name of the organization responsible for
producing the Physical Element (This can be the entity
from whom the element is purchased, but this is not
necessarily true. The latter information is contained
in the Vendor property of CIM_Product.)
The name by which the Physical Element is generally
A manufacturer-allocated number used to identify the
Physical Element
A string indicating the version of the Physical ElementNVARCHAR(256)Version
CIM_PhysicalMemory table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTPhysicalMemory_LUID
CreationClassName identifies CIM_PhysicalMemory;
equates to CIM_PhysicalMemory
Tag partly identifies CIM_PhysicalMemory; inherited
from CIM_PhysicalElement.Tag; an arbitrary string
that uniquely identifies the Physical Element and
30 HP SIM database tables