HP Systems Insight Manager 7.1 Database Tables

DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
SupportedTargetTypes parameter in
The TargetOperatingSystem property specifies the
Element operating system environment (The value of
this property does not ensure that it is binary
executable. Two other pieces of information are
needed. First, the version of the operating system
must be specified using the class,
CIM_OSVersionCheck. The second piece of
information is the architecture on which the operating
system runs. This information is verified using
CIM_ArchitectureCheck. The combination of these
constructs clearly identifies the level of operating
system required for a particular SoftwareElement.
See CIM_OperatingSystem.OSType Enumeration.)
Installation date of this element in CIM date-time
swd_VersionWeight is of CIM_SoftwareElement; a
field used by Software Status Polling
Not standard; a string that specifies the version of
this item
Used for reporting purposesSMALLINTOperationalStatus
A free-form string to provide more information for
the DeviceSW_Purpose property
The HP Smart Array SAS/SATA Event Notification
Service provides event notification to the Windows
2000/Windows Server 2003 system event log and
the HP ProLiant Integrated Management Log for
systems using the HP Smart Array SAS/SATA
controller driver.
[C:\Program Files\hp\cissesrv, HPQ:cissesrv.exe]
Software/firmware Key file name
[HPQ: SoftwarePath, CIM:SoftwareFamily Software
Family Path
Firmware CategoryNVARCHAR(256)FirmwareCategory
A field used by reportingNVARCHAR(64)R_Type
A field used by reportingNVARCHAR(256)R_Date
A field used by reportingNVARCHAR(256)R_Status
Stores the latest version of each software with a
matching component in the repository
Stores the version of software available in the
VCRM’s sw fw baseline
CIM_StoragePool table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Used to uniquely identify CIM_StorageVolumeBIGINTStoragePool_LUID
Used to partially identify CIM_StorageVolumeBIGINTNodeID
Used to partially identify CIM_StorageVolumeBIGINTSnapShotID
Database tables 45