HP Systems Insight Manager 7.2 Database Tables

DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
Not standard. A string that specifies the version of
this item
A field used by reporting.NVARCHAR(64)R_Type
CIM_SoftwareIdentity table
DescriptionData TypeColumn Name
LUID uniquely defining this table rowBIGINTSoftwareIdentity_LUID
Used to partially identify CIM_SoftwareIdentityBIGINTNodeID
Used to partially identify CIM_SoftwareIdentityBIGINTSnapShotID
InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an
instance of this class. To ensure uniqueness within
the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID SHOULD
be constructed using the following 'preferred'
"<OrgID>:<LocalID> " Where <0rgID> and
<LocalID> are separated by a colon ':' and where
<OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked,
or otherwise unique name that is owned by the
business entity creating/defining the InstanceID or
is a registered ID that is assigned to the business
entity by a recognized global authority. (This is
similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name>
structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to
ensure uniqueness <OrgID> must note contain a
colon (":"). When using this algorithm, the first colon
to appear in InstanceID must appear between
<OrgID> and <LocalID>.
<LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should
not be re-used to identify different underlying
(real-world) elements. If the above 'preferred'
algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure
that the resultant InstanceID is not re-used across any
InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for
this instance's NameSpace. For DMTF defined
instances, the preferred algorithm must be used with
the <OrgID> set to CIM.
An example might be
A string representing the complete software version
information (Because varying semantics and
representations might not allow simple calculation
and comparison, both numeric and string
representations are provided. See MajorVersion,
MinorVersion, RevisionNumber and BuildNumber
for the numeric components.)
Manufacturer of this softwareNVARCHAR(255)Manufacturer
Description of this elementNVARCHAR(512)Description
Major version number of this elementSMALLINTMajorVersion
Minor version number of this elementSMALLINTMinorVersion
Revision number of this elementSMALLINTRevisionNumber
Build number of this elementSMALLINTBuildNumber
44 HP SIM database tables