HP Systems Insight Manager 7.3 Installation and Configuration Guide for Microsoft Windows

IMPORTANT: For a Silent install, the service or database user name and/or domain name
containing special characters, such as: &, <, >, ', " must be escaped appropriately as below in
the silent.xml file:
&amp; &
&lt; <
&gt; >
&apos; '
&quot; "
For example, for a user name such as user&1 , the entry in silent.xml would be user&amp;1.
For a silent install embedded quote ( " ) character in service or database password is not supported.
See “Next steps” (page 36) for more information.
Editing the wbemportlist.xml file
HP SIM edits the wbemportlist.xml file to support an alternate port in WBEM. You must perform
the following steps to edit the wbemportlist.xml file.
1. Locate the wbemportlist.xml file in the following location:
C:\Program Files\HP\Systems Insight Manager\Config\Identification
2. Add the following lines to the wbemportlist.xml file.
<port id>="<PORT_NUMBER>" protocol = "https">
<cimnamespace name="root/cimv2"/>
3. Restart the HP SIM service.
4. In Windows Services API , right-click HP Systems Insight Manager service, and then select
restart from the drop down menu.
80 Silent installation