README - HP Systems Insight Manager 5.3 with Update 1

4. On the system on which you are attempting to run tools, verify the permissions of some directories.
The home directory should have the
drwxr-xr-x (755)
The .ssh directory within the home
directory should have the
drwxr-xr-x (755)
The authorized_keys2 file in the
.ssh directory should have the
-rw-r--r-- or -rwxr-xr-x (644 or 755)
a. a. Verify these permissions:
On Windows: Run OpenSSH Install Directory\bin\ls -ld File or
directory name
On HP-UX or Linux: Run ls -ld File or directory name
b. Change the permissions:
On Windows: Run OpenSSH Install Directory\bin\chmodPermission
number File or directory name
On HP-UX or Linux: Run chmod Permission number File or directory name
(Permission number is the previous number, for example, 644/755.)
When the command is run, the Execute-as user is listed in the status. This is the user for whom you
must run mxagentconfig
5. If execution has worked in the past and is now failing, verify that SSH has been reinstalled on the target
system. Reinstalling SSH causes the system to create a different host key. Therefore, the SSH client used
by the CMS cannot verify that it is the system that it is trying to contact. If SSH key checking is enabled,
remove the system key in OptionsSecuritySSH Keys.
6. Remove the .ssh directory from the home directory of the user on the managed system. This action
ensures that there are no old keys or permissions that could cause mxagentconfig to fail.
7. Run mxagentconfig again.
If mxagentconfig still fails, be sure SSH is running.
1. Be sure that the user name being sent to mxagentconfig does not include the domain. Use
myusername instead of mydomain\myusername.
2. Remove the .ssh directory from the home directory of the user on the managed system. The home
directory is typically C:\Documents and Settings\username . From a Windows command
window, entering set
reports to the home directory of the currently logged-in user. This
step ensures that there are no old keys or permissions that could cause mxagentconfig to fail.
3. If the failure still occurs, then manually copy the key by transferring the file to the
managed system from the CMS. The file can be found at /etc/opt/mx/config/sshtools/ on
Linux and HP-UX. On Windows, you can find the file at HP SIM Install
On Windows:
location of .pub file > "user home directory\.ssh\authorized_keys2"
On HP-UX or Linux:
cat location of .pub file > ~/.ssh/authorized_3
The mxagentconfig -r command does not work on the CMS.
The kill option is not currently supported from a partner application. Connect to the managed system directly,
and enter the kill command.
42 Known Issues and Workarounds