Setting up HP SIM 5.x on an HP-UX Serviceguard Cluster (448492-002, January 2009)

On the secondary node, cut and paste the whole line if it is not present.
Original: hpsmdb:*:104:20::/home/hpsmdb:/sbin/sh
Change to: hpsmdb:*:109:20::/home/hpsmdb:/sbin/sh
3. Change the user ownership of hpsmdb to reflect the new userID number. This can be done by
executing the following command:
find /var/opt/hpsmdb –user 104 –exec chown 109 {} \;
Configure the product to run in the Serviceguard environment by following the steps below.
1. Run swverify HPSIM-HP-UX and note any errors. There should not be any. It should come
back with “Verification succeeded.”
2. Active the volume group:
vgchange –c n vg01
vgchange –a y vg01
3. Enter mount –F vxfs /dev/vg01/hpsimsg /hpsimsg.
4. Enter cd /hpsimsg.
Steps 5 - 6, will create the subdirectory within /hpsimsg
5. Enter mkdir opt.
6. Enter mkdir –p etc/opt.
7. Enter mkdir –p var/opt.
8. Enter cd /opt.
Step 9 - 14 copies the file archive and duplicate the directory tree from /opt to /hpsimsg/opt,
next it will move the original file.
9. Enter find mx | cpio –pdmuxv /hpsimsg/opt.
10. Enter find hpsmdb | cpio –pdmuxv /hpsimsg/opt.
11. Enter find hpwebadmin | cpio –pdmuxv /hpsimsg/opt.
12. Enter mv mx
13. Enter mv hpsmdb
14. Enter mv hpwebadmin
Steps 15 - 17 creates symbolic link to the original path for mx, hpsmdb and hpwebadmin.
Note: To verify the symbolic type ll, an arrow will point the original path.
15. Enter ln –s /hpsimsg/opt/mx /opt/mx.
16. Enter ln –s /hpsimsg/opt/hpsmdb /opt/hpsmdb.
17. Enter ln –s /hpsimsg/opt/hpwebadmin /opt/hpwebadmin.
18. Enter cd /etc/opt.
Steps 19 - 21 copies the file archive and duplicate the directory tree from /etc/opt to
/hpsimsg/etc/opt, then move the file to, and then creates a symbolic link to the original
19. Enter find mx | cpio –pdmuxv /hpsimsg/etc/opt.
20. Enter mv mx
21. Enter ln –s /hpsimsg/etc/opt/mx /etc/opt/mx.
22. Enter cd /var/opt.
Steps 23 – 28 copies the file archive and duplicate the directory tree from /var/opt to
/hpsimsg/var/opt then creates a symbolic link to the original path.