Collections in HP Systems Insight Manager 5.1 or greater (441487-001, January 2009)

SQL/MSDE Servers
My Spare Servers
Security Events
Power Events
Service Events
SecurityEvents on MyFinancialServers
HP SIM 5.1
In HP SIM 5.1, collections have more flexibility and improved ease of use, and you can combine
system collections and event collections dynamically and easily.
While in previous versions, event collections could be defined that pertained only to specific systems,
the process of specifying the systems could be tedious. The systems had to be listed one at a time,
and once systems were defined, if you wanted to see the same set of events on a different set of
systems, you had to start the process all over again.
Now, you can bind event collections and system collections together and use them either separately
or together. For example, after you define a collection of Security Events, you can easy look at
those events on any system collection, such as Security Events on All Servers or Security
Events on My FinancialServers.
Conversely, you can choose a system collection, and view any set of events on those systems. For
example, you can easily select My FinancialServers and look at All Events, Login Events,
Security Events, or any other event collection as it applies to that collection of systems.
Customizing collections
You can create a collection several ways:
Create a collection from the Customize Collections page.
Click the Customize link on the System and Event Collections panel. The Customize
Collections page appears. Select Events or Systems and click [New]. The New Collection
section is displayed.