Building an HP SIM 5.x server on a Linux-based Serviceguard Cluster (444847-001, February 2007)

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 30 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
# mount /dev/vgsg/lvsg /hpsimlnx/
# df /hpsimlnx/
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1 20642412 77888 20564524 1% /hpsimlnx
# cd /hpsimlnx
11. Create the required directories:
# mkdir pam.d etc opt var hpsimlnx.d scripts hp
12. For each, move the original HPSIM content to the new destination and create the symbolic
#mv /etc/opt/mx/* etc
# rmdir /etc/opt/mx
# ln -sf /hpsimlnx/etc /etc/opt/mx
# mv /opt/mx/* opt
# rmdir /opt/mx
# ln -sf /hpsimlnx/opt /opt/mx
# mv /var/opt/mx/* /var/opt/mx/.??* var
# rmdir /var/opt/mx
# ln -sf /hpsimlnx/var /var/opt/mx
# mv /etc/init.d/hpsim hpsimlnx.d/
# ln -sf /hpsimlnx/hpsimlnx.d/hpsim /etc/init.d/
# mv /etc/init.d/postgresql hpsimlnx.d/
# ln -sf /hpsimlnx/hpsimlnx.d/postgresql /etc/init.d/
# mv /etc/pam.d/mxpamauthrealm pam.d/
# ln -sf /hpsimlnx/pam.d/mxpamauthrealm /etc/pam.d
# mv /var/lib/pgsql /hpsimlnx/
# ln -sf /hpsimlnx/pgsql /var/libmv /var/opt/mx/* /var/opt/mx/.??* var
13. For the second system, once the shared storage is available to it, do not move the content of
the different directories, simply remove the content of them by running the following
commands. Then create the symbolic links:
# /etc/init.d/hpsim stop
# /etc/init.d/postgresql stop