HP TeemTalk Terminal Emulator, version 7.3, User Manual

General Settings
Terminal ID
Factory default: VT320
This specifies what is reported back to the host in response to a terminal ID request. Note that not
all features of the specified terminal may be supported.
Factory default: Courier New
This enables you to specify the font to use for displaying characters. The available settings depend
on the fonts installed on your system.
Character set
Factory default: Multinational
This specifies the character set used for displaying characters.
When Iso Hebrew is selected, the following key functions will be enabled:
Ctrl + Alt + F1 Select Multinational 8-bit mode and left-to-right typing.
Ctrl + Alt + F2 Select National 7-bit mode (lowercase English characters will be displayed
as Hebrew) and right-to-left typing.
Ctrl + Alt + F3 Toggle between left-to-right and right-to-left typing.
Ansi codepage
Factory default: PC Multinational (437)
250 Chapter 22 ICL DOC-18 Emulation