Installing HP-UX 11.0 and Updating HP-UX 10.x to 11.0 HP 9000 Computers Edition 1

Chapter 6 161
HP-UX System Recovery
“Expert” Recovery Using the Core Media
downloading INSTALL to /stand/vmunix
**** Creating device files on the target disk ****
******* Renaming the following files: *******
'/.profile' has been renamed '/.profileBK'
*********** Installing bootlif ***********
mkboot -b /dev/rmt/1m -i ISL -i HPUX /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0
mkboot -a hpux (56/52.1.0;0)/stand/vmunix /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0
NOTE If you are recovering a system with hard-sectored disks, you will see a
message similar to the following, instead of the one above:
*********** Installing bootlif ***********
mkboot -b -H -i ISL -i HPUX /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0
mkboot -a hpux (4.0.0;13)/stand/vmunix /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0
The following options are used:
-H is used with hard-sectored disks.
-l is used with LVM disks.
-W is used with whole disk configuration.