Installing HP-UX 11.0 and Updating HP-UX 10.x to 11.0 HP 9000 Computers Edition 1

174 Chapter 6
HP-UX System Recovery
“Expert” Recovery Using the Core Media
In this example 'c0t6d0' is the device file used to
access the bootlif.
step 3. Once '/lvmrec.scrpt' completes, issue the command "reboot"
and bring the system fully up.
The recovery of the root LVM is complete. If the '/lvmrec.scrpt'
issued the following warning:
"Root logical volume has been repaired, but......."
"you need to reboot the system and repair the Swap"
"logical volume using the following LVM command: "
" lvlnboot -A n -s /dev/<root lv>/<swap lvol> "
"because Recovery has no way to find out what is "
"the Swap logical volume information at this point"
The Swap and Dump logical volumes will need to be re-configured.
The BDRA contains the "root", "swap" and "dump" logical volume
information. '/lvmrec.scrpt' only fixes the root logical volume
information in the BDRA. The "swap" and "dump" areas can be updated
via the "lvlnboot" command.
lvlnboot -s /dev/<vg00>/lvol2
lvlnboot -d /dev/<vg00>/lvol3
In this example 'lvol2' and 'lvol3' are the "swap" and "dump"
logical volumes respectively.
step 4. Perform any further data recovery deemed necessary.
*** NOTE ***
If the same volume group contains more than one corrupted boot disk,
repeat the above steps for each disk that needs to be repaired.
This completes the process for installing critical files only.
Rebuilding the ''bootlif'' Only
Boot the CORE media, following the steps in <Undefined
Cross-Reference>. You will see some status messages, and then a menu: