Installing HP-UX 11.0 and Updating HP-UX 10.x to 11.0 HP 9000 Computers Edition 1

244 Appendix C
Ignite-UX System Administration
Section 2: The Install Archive
When finished entering data, select “Go!”
A configuration dialog will appear. Make sure the data is correct, and
select “Go!” again.
Step 4.9:
Displaying target installation status
If you double-click on the icon of the target system in the Ignite-UX
server GUI during execution, a status screen will be displayed showing
the install progress.
NOTE A Note on the GUI:
Ignite-UX determines the state of a target by reading the files in the
/var/opt/ignite/clients/<LLA> directory. Seeing an icon in the
GUI does not mean that the target actually exists -- only that its config
and control files exist in the Ignite-UX directories. We can use this
behavior to our advantage to reinstall systems. This means that if you’re
reinstalling a system that Ignite-UX has already installed, you may need
to re-execute the bootsys command (or boot the client from the Ignite-UX
Step 5. Finished
In less than 30 minutes, the target system should have the new OS
installed, a new kernel built, the system rebooted and ready for use.
Status of the target system will be shown on its icon, and in the
(double-click) status screen.