Installing HP-UX 11.0 and Updating HP-UX 10.x to 11.0 HP 9000 Computers Edition 1

246 Appendix C
Ignite-UX System Administration
Section 3: Automatic Installation
Using a “Saved” configuration:
When using the ignite GUI on the server, during an install session when
you are finished with specifying the configuration for particular target,
you may choose to save the result as a named configuration. This will
save any changes that you made during the session. You can then either
specify the configuration as the default, and/or just use the name you
give it to the bootsys command using the -i option.
Specifying defaults in the config.local file:
The /var/opt/ignite/config.local file is normally included in every cfg
clause in the INDEX file. This provides a convenient location to store
default parameters that are the same for all configurations. Typically
this will be networking, default software selections, kernel modifications.
It may be easiest to cut and paste information written to the files
/var/opt/ignite/clients/*/config by the user interface. However there is
much more that can be done here that the GUI does not provide access
to. The instl_adm(4) man page gives all the details. Below is an example
of what a config.local file could look like. The sw_sel’s will depend on
what you have defined in config files on the server.
dns_nameserver[0] = “”
init sw_sel “Misc_Patches”=TRUE
init sw_sel “B3919DA_AGP”=TRUE
mod_kernel += “maxuprc 100”
mod_kernel += “dbc_max_pct 80”
Always run instl_adm -T after making manual edits to verify that the
syntax is correct.
“Setting Install Parameters Dynamically “shows how default
information may be specified dynamically depending on the target
system’s configuration.