Installing HP-UX 11.0 and Updating HP-UX 10.x to 11.0 HP 9000 Computers Edition 1

Appendix C 263
Ignite-UX System Administration
Section 7: Steps to Create a “Golden System”
On the IUX server, set up the core software to be distributed:
# make_depots -r B.11.00 -a 700 -s \
# /opt/ignite/bin/make_config -r B.11.00
The make_depots command will copy the release B.11.00 software at
the SD depot pointed to by the “-s” option (this pathname will depend on
the setup of the SD depot you are accessing) onto the local Ignite-UX
server. (You can also run make_config and point it to the remote depot
The make_config command will then add this software as a configuration
available for Ignite-UX installations.
Step 1.1: Installing HP-UX onto the target “golden system”.
First, boot the target from the Ignite-UX server. If the target is currently
running HP-UX, use the following:
# bootsys -v -w -f -i “HP-UX B.11.00 Default” <target_hostname>
If the target is not currently running HP-UX, use the following:
boot lan install
Use the normal Ignite-UX target install steps as laid out in Section 2.
Step 4. Select the configuration you’ve just set up, “HP-UX B.11.00
Step 2: Loading critical patches onto the OS
At this point you should have a target system with the basic 11.00
release. If you have patches which you wish to distribute to all users,
install them now. This is normally done using the standard SD tools.
Step 2.1: As an example, install patch PHSS_8375. If you’ve downloaded
and unshar’d a patch, you will have a depot file. For example, after
downloading PHSS_8375 and unsharing it, you would be left with files
“PHSS_8375.depot” and “PHSS_8375.text”. To install the patch
non-interactively, run the following:
# swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true -s \
These instructions can also be found in the file