Installing HP-UX 11.0 and Updating HP-UX 10.x to 11.0 HP 9000 Computers Edition 1

Chapter 3 65
Installing From Media
Booting the Target System
Booting the V-Class
To boot the system from the CORE media, follow the initial instructions
on powering up the system and external drive (if used), as in “Booting
the Target System”, in this chapter.
The V2200 System Boot Console
Typically the V-Class boot console has the following display when
powered up (this example is for a Model SPP2000). To stop the system
boot process and select the device with the install media, press any key
within ten seconds after you see “System is HP9000 V2000 series”:
OBP reboot
SPP2000, POST version, compiled 1997/06/27 10:38:45 LAB #0001
Node Id: 00000000
Monarch: PB0R
Probing CPUs.
Completing core SRAM initialization.
Initializing main memory.
Probing memory: MB0L, MB1L, MB2R, MB3R, MB4L, MB5L, MB6R, MB7R
Parallel memory initialization in progress
PB0R MB0L ........
PB0R MB4L ........
PB0L MB1L ........
PB1R MB2R ........
PB1L MB3R ........
PB0L MB5L ........
PB1R MB6R ........
PB1L MB7R ........
Booting OBP.
OBP Power-On Boot on [0:1]