HP-UX Secure Shell Getting Started Guide HP-UX 11i v1, HP-UX 11i v2, and HP-UX 11i v3 (5900-3142, June 2013)

#KerberosTicketCleanup yes
#KerberosGetAFSToken no
# GSSAPI options
#GSSAPIAuthentication no
#GSSAPICleanupCredentials yes
# Set this to 'yes' to enable PAM authentication, account processing,
# and session processing. If this is enabled, PAM authentication will
# be allowed through the ChallengeResponseAuthentication mechanism.
# Depending on your PAM configuration, this may bypass the setting of
# PasswordAuthentication, PermitEmptyPasswords, and
# "PermitRootLogin without-password". If you just want the PAM account and
# session checks to run without PAM authentication, then enable this but set
# ChallengeResponseAuthentication=no
UsePAM yes
#AllowTcpForwarding yes
#GatewayPorts no
X11Forwarding yes
#X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost no
#PrintMotd yes
#PrintLastLog yes
#TCPKeepAlive yes
#UseLogin no
#EnforceSecureTTY no
#UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
#PermitUserEnvironment no
#Compression delayed
#ClientAliveInterval 0
#ClientAliveCountMax 3
#UseDNS yes
#PidFile /var/run/sshd.pid
#MaxStartups 10
#PermitTunnel no
# no default banner path
#Banner /some/path
#The following are HPN related configuration options
#tcp receive buffer polling. enable in autotuning kernels
#TcpRcvBufPoll no
# allow the use of the none cipher
#NoneEnabled no
# disable hpn performance boosts.
HPNDisabled yes
# buffer size for hpn to non-hn connections
#HPNBufferSize 2048
# override default of no subsystems
Subsystem sftp /opt/ssh/libexec/sftp-server
# Example of overriding settings on a per-user basis
#Match User anoncvs
# X11Forwarding no
# AllowTcpForwarding no
# ForceCommand cvs server
Client Configuration Directives
The /etc/ssh/ssh_config file is the systemwide client configuration file for HP-UX Secure
Shell. This configuration file enables you to set options that modify the operation of the client
programs. The file contains keyword-value pairs.
NOTE: The keywords are case insensitive and arguments are case sensitive.
Client Configuration Directives 83