HP Instant Capacity User's Guide for versions B.07.x

Troubleshooting the Instant Capacity Software
Chapter 7 109
Troubleshooting the Instant Capacity
In the event the Instant Capacity software is not functioning, perform
the following steps:
Step 1. Verify that the Instant Capacity software is installed and not corrupted
by entering the following command:
/usr/sbin/swverify B9073BA
You sh ou ld see Verification succeeded. in the output of the
swverify command.
Step 2. If there is an error from the swverify command in
Step 1 (above) then
reinstall the Instant Capacity software. Refer to “Installing Instant
Capacity Software” on page 44 for details.
Step 3. Verify that the status of your Instant Capacity system/partition is
correct by entering the following command:
You should see something similar to “B.07.00” as the Instant Capacity
software version. If you do not have a version 7 installed, install the
Instant Capacity B.07.x software.
If there is a discrepancy between the number of reported licensed and
unlicensed components and your Instant Capacity contract, send an
e-mail to the Instant Capacity administrator at icap_admin@hp.com
that explains the discrepancy.
Step 4. Ensure that the icodd daemon is running on the system/partition by
entering the following command:
/usr/bin/ps -e | grep icodd
You should see the icodd daemon running on the partition. If it is not
running, check the system log file (syslog) for icodd error messages and
take the appropriate action.
Step 5. Ensure that the kernel driver diag2 is built into the kernel.
Step 6. Ensure that the nPartition provider NPar bundle is installed.