Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Configuring and Managing Superdome Partitions
The Partition Manager—A Guided Tour
Chapter 4 149
Viewing Partition Information
If you want information about the resources of a specific partition, first
select the partition by clicking on its name in the object list on the
left-hand-side of the display. The right-hand-side of the display will
update to show a summary of the resources for the selected partition.
Partition Details
By default Partition Manager will list which cells and I/O chassis are
part of the selected partition. In addition to this list, a lot of detailed
information about the resources for the selected partition is available. To
view this information, use the context menu, or the “Partition
drop-down menu in the menu bar to select “Show Partition Details
...”. This will bring up a new window containing four panels of
information about various elements of the complex.
Viewing Cell Information
Partitions are logical collections of cell boards. Cell boards contain
(among other things), the processors and memory modules of the
complex. The Partition Manager lets you query cell boards to determine
how many processors and how much memory they contain, and the
status of those items.
Cell Details
Unlike the higher levels of the object hierarchy, there is no summary
level for cells. If you click on the name of a partition in the object list on
the left portion of Partition Manager’s primary display area (to bring up
the list of cells and chassis that comprise that partition), then on the
right-hand-side of the display double-click on the entry for the cell that
you want to know about, the Cell Details window will be displayed.
The Cell Details window has two panels of information:
General The General panel shows the current status and
usage settings of the cell itself, and if an I/O chassis is
connected to the cell, you can click on the “Show