Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Booting and Resetting Superdome Partitions
Procedures for Booting and Resetting Partitions
Chapter 5 247
Once the partition has completed resetting, or has completed booting
HP-UX, you can interact with the partition’s BCH or HP-UX prompts.
When another user already is attached to the console, you can access
the partition’s console only in spy (read-only) mode.
Spy mode allows you to view console information but does not enable
you to enter commands. If you attempt to type when accessing a
partition console in spy mode, the console prints the following
When in spy mode, you can force access to the partition’s console by
typing ^ecf (Control-e c f). Doing this provides you interactive console
access and forces (“bumps”) the user who was using the console into
spy mode.
To exit the partition console and return to the GSP main menu, type ^b
[Read-only - use ^Ecf to attach to console.]
[Bumped user - Admin.]