Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Booting and Resetting Superdome Partitions
Procedures for Booting and Resetting Partitions
Chapter 5 251
Step 2. From the GSP command menu, enter the BO command and specify
which partition is to be booted.
The GSP releases the selected partition from boot-is-blocked: the
configured cells proceed past boot-is-blocked and rendezvous to form the
partition. As a result of the BO command, the partition is active and no
longer is in a ready-for-reconfig state.
Any cells that are not configured (those with a “n” use-on-next-boot
setting) remain inactive at boot-is-blocked.
When the partition becomes active it proceeds through the normal boot
process: the partition performs, as necessary, the boot action set for each
of the boot paths (PRI, HAA, ALT).
If you use the GSP command menu’s BO command to attempt to boot a
partition that already is active, the command has no effect.
This command boots the selected partition.
# Name
--- ----
0) jules00
1) jules01
Select a partition number: 0
Do you want to boot partition number 0? (Y/[N]) y
-> The selected partition will be booted.