Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Booting and Resetting Superdome Partitions
Procedures for Booting and Resetting Partitions
Chapter 5252
Booting HP-UX on a Partition
You can boot HP-UX on a partition using the BCH interface, which is
available from the partition’s console. Each partition has its own console
that is available from its Superdome complex’s GSP console menu.
Each partition can boot and reboot its instance of HP-UX independently
from all other partitions.
BCH Use the following procedure to boot HP-UX on a partition using the
partition’s BCH interface.
A partition will automatically boot HP-UX when the partition’s boot
paths (PRI, HAA, ALT) and corresponding boot actions are appropriately
set. If one of the partition’s components fails self-test, then if
AUTOSTART is OFF the partition stops booting at the BCH interface.
Step 1. Log in to the Superdome complex’s GSP, access the partition’s console,
and access the BCH main menu.
From the partition console you access the partition’s BCH interface. If
the partition is not at the BCH interface you must either boot the
partition or shut down HP-UX to return to the BCH interface.
Step 2. Select the device you wish to boot.
From the BCH main menu, use the PATH command to list any boot path
variable settings. The primary (PRI) boot path normally is set to the
main boot device for the partition. You also can use the SEARCH
command to find and list potentially bootable devices for the partition.
You can perform this task using the BCH interface.
“BCH” on page 252
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > PATH
Primary Boot Path: 0/0/2/0/0.13
0/0/2/0/0.d (hex)
HA Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/2/0/0.14
0/0/2/0/0.e (hex)
Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/2/0/0.0
0/0/2/0/0.0 (hex)
Main Menu: Enter command or menu >