Managing Superdome Complexes: A Guide for HP-UX System Administrators

Booting and Resetting Superdome Partitions
Procedures for Booting and Resetting Partitions
Chapter 5 269
Listing Partition Boot Settings
You can list a partition’s boot-related settings by using the partition’s
BCH interface or by using the parstatus HP-UX command.
This section covers listing a partition’s boot settings.
Refer to the following procedures for details on configuring a partition’s
boot settings.
“Configuring Boot Paths for a Partition” on page 273
“Configuring Boot Actions for Partition Boot Paths” on page 275
“Configuring Auto Start for a Partition” on page 276
“Configuring Fast Boot Settings for a Partition” on page 277
“Configuring the Boot Timer for a Partition” on page 278
“Deconfiguring Cells, Processors, and Memory” on page 279
BCH Use this procedure to list a partition’s boot settings using the BCH
Step 1. Log in to the Superdome complex’s GSP, access the partition’s console,
and access the BCH main menu.
From the partition console you access the partition’s BCH interface. If
the partition is not at the BCH interface you must either boot the
partition or shut down HP-UX to return to the BCH interface.
Step 2. Access the BCH menu that provides the information you want to list.
The BCH interface’s main menu, the information menu, and the
configuration menu provide commands for listing (and setting) boot
options for the partition.
You can perform this task using the BCH interface or
HP-UX commands.
“BCH” on page 269
“HP-UX” on page 271
The BCH interface provides the most information about boot settings.