LLA to DLPI Migration Guide, April 1997

34 Chapter 2
LLA and DLPI Example Programs
LLA Example Program
intfd; /* file descriptor */
char *mac_name;
/* open the device file */
if((fd = open(”/dev/lan0”, O_RDWR)) == -1) {
printf(”error: open failed, errno = %d\n”, errno);
/* return the file descriptor for the LLA device to the caller */
Bind to a sap. LLA does not automatically return the local MAC
address and local sap information when binding a protocol value.
You must explicitly request the local MAC address via the
LOCAL_ADDRESS control request.
bind(fd, sap)
int fd; /* file descriptor */
int sap; /* 802.2 SAP to bind on */
ctrl_buf.reqtype = LOG_SSAP;
ctrl_buf.vtype = INTEGERTYPE;
ctrl_buf.value.i = sap;
/* send the LOG_SSAP request. LLA will return success or
failure when the ioctl completes, so there is no need to
wait for an acknowledgement.
put_ctrl(fd, NETCTRL);
Get the local MAC address.
get_local_address(fd, ret_addr)
int fd; /* file descriptor */
caddr_tret_addr;/* return local address here */
ctrl_buf.reqtype = LOCAL_ADDRESS;
/* send the LOCAL_ADDRESS request. LLA will return success or
failure when the ioctl completes, so there is no need to
wait for an acknowledgement.
put_ctrl(fd, NETSTAT);