HP-UX Mobile IPv4 A.03.01 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 10
The loglevel option sets or displays the HP-UX Mobile IPv4 event log level.
-logl[evel] [-l[evel] a[lert] | e[rror] | w[arn] i[nfo]]
-level Set the log level to the specified level. If you do not specify -level,
mipadmin will display the current log level. HP-UX Mobile IPv4 has
four event log levels. They are listed below in order, from highest level
to lowest.
These messages include irrecoverable error conditions, such as
fatal configuration errors and daemon initialization errors. The
mipd or miprod daemon will terminate after an irrecoverable error.
These messages include recoverable error conditions, such as
Mobile Node registration failures. A recoverable error is an error
that causes an operation may fail (for example, a Mobile Node may
not be able to register with the Home Agent because of an
authentication error), but the mipd or miprod daemon will
continue to operate.
These messages include dropped packets due to unsupported
features or no system resources. For example, a Home Agent may
log a warn level message if a Mobile Node sends a Registration
Request requesting a feature that the Home Agent does not
These messages provide detailed event logging for debugging and
troubleshooting, including events for normal operation.
When you set a log level, the level includes any log levels below it in the hierarchy. For
example, setting the log level to error includes the alert level.
The default log level is error.
If you do not specify the -level option, mipadmin will report the current log level.
mipadmin> -logle -l w
Previous Log Level: Errors
Current Log Level: Warnings