HP-UX Mobile IPv4 A.03.01 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 6
Step 2: Configure AAA Information (configure global)
If the Home Agent has AAA Mobile Node clients, you must configure AAA information
using the mipconfig configure global command. In most cases, you only need to
specify information about the AAA Home Agent server (AAAH) and the local node, and
you can use the following syntax:
c[onfigure] g[lobal] -af aaa_fqdn -mf ma_fqdn
aaa_fqdn is the Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the AAA Home Agent Server
(AAAH). The mipd daemon will attempt to open a TCP connection to the AAAH
approximately every second until it succeeds.
ma_fqdn is the FQDN of the Mobility Agent (the local system) and must match the
FQDN configured for the Home Agent on the AAAH.
You can also omit all options and mipconfig will prompt you for each option value. For
more information on the configure global command, refer to “configure global” on
page 125.