HP-UX Mobile IPv4 A.03.01 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 7
Step 5: Write Configuration File and Exit (write, exit)
After you have entered all configuration information, use the miproconfig write
command to write the data to a configuration file:
w[rite] [filename]
If you do not specify filename, miproconfig will prompt you for a file name and present
the current working file as a default. By default, this will be the default configuration file
for the miprod daemon, /var/adm/mip/miprod.conf. Press carriage return to accept
the default:
miproconfig> write
Configuration file name (/var/adm/mip/miprod.conf): <CR>
The miproconfig utility will verify the data and write it to the file.
Exit miproconfig using the exit command:
miproconfig> exit
For more information on the write command, refer to “write” on page 169. For more
information on the exit command, refer to “exit” on page 160.