HP Fortran Programmer's Guide (B3908-90031; September 2011)

Calling C routines from HP Fortran
Chapter 8 193
You can change the array declaration in either language, whichever is more convenient. The important point
is that, to be conformable, the dimensions must be in reverse order.
Below is an example for a three-dimensional array, the first being for a Fortran declaration.
REAL, DIMENSION(2,3,4) :: x
Below is the same declaration as declared in C.
int x[4][3][2];
Example 8-5 pass_array.f90
! This program initializes a multi-dimensional array,
! displays its contents, then passes it to a C function,
! which displays its contents. The C function has the
! following declaration prototype:
! void get_array(int a[4][2]);
! Note that the dimensions are declared in reverse order
! in C from the way they are declared in Fortran.
INTEGER, DIMENSION(2,4) :: my_array = &
RESHAPE(SOURCE = (/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8/), SHAPE = (/2,4/))
PRINT *, 'Here is how Fortran stores the array:'
DO i = 1, 4
DO j = 1, 2
PRINT 10, j, i, my_array(j,i)
! There’s no need to use the %VAL or %REF built-in functions
! because both C and Fortran pass arrays by reference.
CALL get_array(my_array)
10 FORMAT(‘my_array(', I1, ',', I1, ') =', I2)
Below is the source file for a HP Fortran program that calls a C function, passing a two-dimensional array of
The following is the source file for the C function.
Example 8-6 get_array.c
#include <stdio.h>
/* get_array: displays the contents of the array argument */
void get_array(int a[4][2])
int i, j;