HP Fortran Programmer's Guide (B3908-90031; September 2011)

Compiling and linking
Compiling with the f90 command
Chapter 2 29
5. Store the results from Step 4 into the location indicated by A(INDARR(I)) from
Step 1.
IVDEP directs the compiler to initially assume that when Steps 1 and 5 access a
common memory location, Step 1 always accesses the location first because Step 1
occurs earlier in the execution sequence. This approach lets the compiler reorder
instructions, as long as it chooses an instruction schedule that maintains the relative
order of the array references.
Relaxes the natural data type rules for alignment.
+asm compiles the named programs and leaves the assembler-language output in
corresponding files whose names have the .s extension. The assembler-language
output produced by this option is not supported as input to the assembler.
The default is +noasm.
The -S option can be used to perform the same function as +asm.
+autodbl increases the default size of integer, logical, and real items to 8 bytes; see
Table 2-3. It also increases the default size of double precision and complex items to 16
bytes. This option does not increase the size of the following:
Items of character type
Items declared with the BYTE statement
Items declared with the DOUBLE COMPLEX statement
Explicitly sized items
For example, the following are unaffected by +autodbl:
3.1416_4, 113_4
Note, however, that constants specified with an exponent—for example, 4.0E0 and
2.3D0—are doubled.