Migrating an Integrity HP-UX 11iv3 Instance to New Hardware

For example, if the Ignite-UX server hostname is ignsvr, the command would be:
/opt/ignite/bin/make_net_recovery -s ignsvr -A
For more information about creating recovery archives, see the “Recovery” chapter of the Ignite-UX
Administration Guide for HP-UX 11i, available at http://www.hp.com/go/Ignite-ux-docs
Step3: Copy source client config to the target config
To make the following changes, log-in to the Ignite-UX server as root. Note, these changes are
needed for both the “move” and “clone” scenarios, since the new system will have a different MAC
address from the source.
1. Determine the MAC address for the target system that will be used to connect to the Ignite-UX
2. Create the MAC address directory in /var/opt/ignite/clients:
# cd /var/opt/ignite/clients
# su bin
$ umask u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx
$ mkdir <target MAC address>
3. If you are moving the system (as opposed to cloning), remove the symlink from target hostname to
its “old” MAC address:
# rm <target hostname>
4. Create a symlink from the target hostname to the directory just created:
$ ln -s <target MAC address> <target hostname>
5. Copy the CINDEX file and recovery directory from the source client directory:
$ cd <source hostname>
$ find CINDEX recovery | cpio -pdvma ../<target hostname>
6. Identify the “cfg” clause that is set to TRUE in the /var/opt/ignite/clients/<target
hostname>/CINDEX file. The subdirectory of the recovery directory containing
system_cfg, control_cfg, and archive_cfg has a <recovery-date-time> name in
the format “yyyy-mm-dd,hh:mm”. Ordinarily, the directory
/var/opt/ignite/clients/<target hostname>/recovery/latest is a symlink to the
directory /var/opt/ignite/clients/<target hostname>/recovery/<recovery-
date-time>. If this is not the case on your Ignite-UX server, you need to replace references to
the directory /var/opt/ignite/clients/<target hostname>/recovery/latest in
the directions that follow with the directory /var/opt/ignite/clients/<target
For example, if the source system is srcsys, the target system is tgtsys, and the MAC address for the
target system 0x001560042B1, the sequence of commands would be as follows:
# cd /var/opt/ignite/clients
# su bin
$ umask u=rwx,g=rx,o=rx
$ mkdir 0x001560042B1
$ ln -s tgtsys 0x001560042B1
$ cd srcsys
$ find CINDEX recovery | cpio -pdvma ../tgtsys
For the example, check whether
$ ll /var/opt/ignite/clients/tgtsys/recovery/latest
matches the cfg set to TRUE in /var/opt/ignite/clients/tgtsys/CINDEX.