Overview: The Next Generation Mass Storage Stack (September 2009)

Table Of Contents
LUN path probe failures = 0
Target path offline events from I/F driver = 0
Target path online events from I/F driver = 0
Port id change events from I/F driver = 0
Target Warm Reset events = 0
Target Cold Reset events = 0
Target Warm reset failures = 0
Target Cold Reset failures = 0
Invalid port id changes = 0
Total I/Os processed = 533
Last time cleared = N/A
I/F Common Statistics:
Offline events = 0
WARM/COLD target resets = 0
Time of last WARM/COLD target reset = N/A
Bytes read = 30486
Bytes written = 1200
Outstanding I/Os = 0
To display statistics for a LUN, specify the LUN hardware path or DSF as follows:
# scsimgr get_stat -D /dev/rdisk/disk49
STATISTICS FOR LUN :/dev/rdisk/disk49
Generic Statistics:
Overall attempted opens = 10
Overall successful opens = 10
Attempted Pass-thru opens = 0
Successful Pass-thru opens = 0
Overall closes = 10
Pass-thru closes = 0
Offlines = 0
Onlines = 0
LUN path initializations = 4
Class driver open failures = 0
Pass-thru driver open failures = 0
Open failures due to invalid major number = 0
Open failures due to LUN being suspended = 0
Open failures due to partial open of the LUN = 0
Exclusive mode open failures = 0
Resume failures due to LUN not being suspended = 0
Maximum allowed IO size changes = 0
Disabled or Unsupported task management requests = 0
Task management failures due to 0 LUN path count = 0
Invalid task management requests = 0
I/Os flushed = 0
Last time cleared = N/A
I/O transfer Statistics:
Bytes read = 19890
Bytes written = 10
Total I/Os processed = 392
I/O failures = 0
Retried I/Os = 1
Retried I/O failures = 0
I/O failures due to invalid IO size = 0