HP Instant Capacity Version 10.x User Guide (5900-1581, March 2011)

after a partition reboot, unassigned from partitions, or additional cell usage rights may be
purchased for permanent activation.
More memory active than expected
'More memory active than expected' means that the amount of active memory across the
complex exceeds the available memory usage rights. To find out how much inactive memory
is expected on the complex, run icapstatus and look at the global amount of memory
without usage rights. Typically, this exception occurs when a newly added cell without usage
rights is activated, but it may also occur when a cell with a small amount of memory is
deactivated and replaced with a cell with a greater amount of memory. To correct this
exception, one or more cells will have to be deactivated in order to deactivate the appropriate
amount of memory. This can be done by using parmodify to set the use_on_next_boot flag
for an assigned cell to “n, followed by a partition reboot. Alternately, cells may be turned
off after a partition reboot, unassigned from partitions, or the appropriate amount of memory
usage rights may be purchased for permanent activation.
Negative temporary capacity balance
'Negative temporary capacity balance' means that the authorized temporary capacity (TiCAP)
balance on the system has been depleted and continued use of core(s) without usage rights
has caused additional (unauthorized) temporary capacity to be consumed. To correct this
exception, first correct any 'More cores active than expected' exception so that the temporary
capacity balance does not continue to grow more negative. Then, purchase additional
temporary capacity and apply the temporary capacity codeword to the complex. Alternately,
purchase additional usage rights to match the number of core(s) consuming temporary capacity
and apply the Right to Use (RTU) codewords to the complex.
Troubleshooting the Instant Capacity Software
If the Instant Capacity software is not functioning, perform the following steps:
1. Verify that the Instant Capacity software is installed and not corrupted. On HP-UX systems,
enter the following command:
/usr/sbin/swverify iCOD
You should see the message Verification succeeded. in the output of the swverify
On OpenVMS systems, enter the following commands to verify that the Instant Capacity and
WBEM software are installed and configured:
$ pipe product show hist | search sys$pipe WBEMCIM
HP I64VMS WBEMCIM X2.92-A090624 Full LP Install Val 05-OCT-2009
2. (HP-UX) If the swverify command in step 1 displays an error, reinstall the Instant Capacity
software. For details, see “Installing Instant Capacity Software” (page 33).
(OpenVMS) If the Instant Capacity software is not configured, configure it using the
SYS$MANAGER:ICAP$CONFIGURE.COM procedure. If the WBEMCIM software is not installed,
install it using the PRODUCT INSTALL utility.
3. Verify that the status of your Instant Capacity system or partition is correct by entering the
following command:
HP-UX: /usr/sbin/icapstatus
The Instant Capacity software version is displayed as something similar to “B.”.
If you do not have a version 10.x installed, install the Instant Capacity 10.x software.
Troubleshooting the Instant Capacity Software 103