HP Instant Capacity Version 10.x User Guide (762794-001, March 2014)

monarch processor Also known as the boot processor. The main controlling core of the operating system. This core
is designated as CPU 0. The LPMC monitor does not deactivate or replace a failing monarch
nPartition Also known as a hard partition. A partition in a cell-based server that consists of one or more
cells and one or more I/O chassis. Each nPartition operates independently of other nPartitions
and either runs a single instance of an operating system or is further divided into virtual partitions.
nPartition Provider The WBEM services provider for nPartition information about cell-based servers.
The Onboard Administrator (OA) provides a single point to perform basic management tasks on
server blades or switches within the enclosure.
online activation The ability to activate a deactivated core using Instant Capacity software while HP-UX or OpenVMS
is running. No reboot is required. This is done with the icapmodify command, or, in a virtual
partition, the vparmodify command. Online activation is the default behavior of the Instant
Capacity software.
partition A subset of server hardware that includes core, memory, and I/O resources on which an operating
system (OS) can be run. A partition can be either a software partition (virtual partition) or a hard
partition (nPartition). This type of partitioning allows a single server to run an OS independently
in each partition with isolation from other partitions.
See also nPartition, virtual partition.
Pay per use Also called PPU. The HP software product that is a part of the HP Utility Pricing Solutions program.
The customer acquires a specific hardware platform and number of cores and then is charged
for usage of the cores based on system demand.
processor The hardware component that plugs into a processor socket. Processors can contain more than
one core.
reboot for
The process of rebooting an nPartition so that all active cells in the nPartition are reset with
boot-is-blocked (BIB) set. When the operating system running on the nPartition has finished shutting
down, these cells begin their power-on self-test sequence, then wait for BIB to be cleared by the
Service Processor. When all of the cells in the nPartition complete self-test, the Service Processor
boots the nPartition.
On the HP-UX operating system, reboot for reconfiguration is performed using the reboot or
shutdown command with the -R option. Do not use the -H option to ensure that the nPartition
automatically reboots after reconfiguration.
See also shutdown for reconfiguration.
Right to Use See RTU.
rights migration On a GiCAP system, the transfer of core, cell, or memory usage rights by deactivating cores,
cells, or memory in an active partition and activating them elsewhere in a GiCAP group. Rights
migration cannot be performed on an inaccessible partition. Migrated usage rights do not expire.
Rights migration is also used to describe the activation and deactivation sequence used for load
balancing partitions of a single server.
rights seizure The acquisition of core usage rights from a failed partition on a GiCAP group member, which
might be off line because of some disaster, transferring them to the Group Manager to make
them available to other group members. Seized usage rights from a fully unavailable member
normally expire after a period of time and revert to the original member from which they were
RTU Right to Use. A type of codeword used to activate and adjust available usage rights for Instant
Capacity components (memory, cell board, or core). An RTU codeword can be applied only to
the system for which it was purchased, and the application of an RTU codeword adjusts the
number of component-specific usage rights on the system.
See also codeword, usage rights.
Service Processor An independent support processor for HP servers that support nPartitions. The Service Processor
provides a menu of service-level commands plus commands to reset and reboot nPartitions and
configure various parameters.
In HP servers, the Service Processor is sometimes called the Management Processor (MP) or the
Guardian Service Processor (GSP).