Instant Capacity on Demand (iCOD) User's Guide for versions B.05.x

iCOD Manpages
icod_modify (1M) Manpage
Appendix D 149
Options and Arguments
icod_modify recognizes the following options and arguments:
-c <name:e-mail:phone> Changes the system contact information,
where name is the system contact name, e-mail is the
system contact e-mail address, and phone is the system
contact phone number. This information is used by HP
so that information requested via the icod_notify
command can be returned via e-mail.
-l <license> Applies a software license to use to the system.
Before the iCOD software allows activation and
deactivation of processors, a license to use (provided
by HP) must be applied.
-f <from_address> Causes all e-mail correspondence from this system
to be sent from from_address. Specifying a null string
will return to default behavior, which is to send from
the adm user on the local system.
-a <n> Activates n processors.
-d <n> Deactivates n processors.
-s <n> Sets the number of active processors to n.
-D Defers a processor activation or deactivation until the
next reboot. By default, activation or deactivation is
instant. NOTE: this option is not supported within a
virtual partition.
desc Optional description to help customers identify this
change. This description becomes part of the change
record for this activation/deactivation which can be
viewed by executing icod_stat -u.
usr_name Name of the user performing the processor activation
or deactivation.
mgr_name Name of the manager authorizing the processor
activation or deactivation.
mgr_e-mail E-mail address of the authorizing manager.
mgr_phone Phone number of the authorizing manager.